* Otunba Wanle Akinboboye
In the last two weeks, Tourism Icon Wanle Akinboboye has enthralled tourism enthusiasts, teachers, industry experts, government tourism officials, industry businessmen and women along with the average tourists, of new available tourism products, which he has initiated and crafted out, to enrich the tourism industry and create wealth for industry practitioners and intending youth tourism entrepreneurs.
The Tourism icon has now gone ahead, to release his 3rd tourism product for the week, out of the 52 promised products.
For Week 3, commencing today Friday the 27th to Friday the 3rd of November 2023, “Our product for the week, is Kamp Afrika,” Akinboboye announced to a teeming number of journalists, who came out to cover the event.
Akinboboye went further on to tell us all we need to know about Kamp Afrika, and those that will immediately benefit from the tourism product.
“The influence of the West has affected us gravely and our young people are totally disconnected from their culture, while todays parents are not helping matters much either, as they are not making enough concerted effort on their part to inculcate the African culture in their children. Kamp Afrika is our effort to train our children, in a lifestyle and fun manner about African cultures, about our cultures. During the various camps, which will be happening on a daily basis in different of our eco tourism environments, the children can connect with nature, local African animals like goats, sheep, chicken, foul, soft animals and they’ll also be taught on African dressing, African food preparation, African history, African dances, Basket making, Beads making, different types of African percussions, Tie and dye, Basket weaving, Craft making, African languages, Story telling; amidst all of these, there’ll be different recreational lifestyle activities like swimming, water aerobics, beach football, 5 aside beach football, volleyball, Aim the bucket and so on. All these will take place in different locations in Africa and the carribean.”
The camps are located at: La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort, Ibeju-Lekki, Lagos, La Campagne Tropicana Forest, Hills And Cave Resort, Ondo; La Campagne Mountain And River Resort, Koton Karfi; La Campagne Tropicana Hot Spring Resort, Ethiopia; Destination Quidah; Destination Akosombo; Destination Grandbassam; Destination Goree Island; Destination Al Nejashi, and in the Carribeans. Available, are A Day Camp, 2 – Day Camp, One Week Camp or 2 Weeks Camp.
On how others can benefit, the tourism Icon said, “Kamp Afrika is set to partner tourism organisations, who could be interested in franchise. We are also going to partner Youth Tourism Entrepreneurs, that are interested in going to schools and clubs to enrol students to participate in Kamp Afrika. We are making our infrastructures at different locations in Africa and the Carribeans available for these Youth Tourism Entrepreneurs to use for Kamp Africa on a commission basis. For Youth Tourism Entrepreneurs who are interested in this wealth creation platform, they can register with us at info@lacampagnetropicana.com as we plan to bring Kamp Afrka to the homes of each family in Africa.”
He also noted, “It is important that I let everyone to understand that, these tourism products we are creating, is not for us alone, that each of these tourism products are meant for the industry. We have created them so that tourism entrepreneurs can have a product to work with. And interested Youth Tourism Entrepreneurs can take advantage and use all our facilities throughout the world as we develop the industry from bottom up. Stay tuned for product number four next week Friday, Yours touristically, Otunba Wanle Akinboboye,” He added.
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